Ljubljana, Slovenia


For my invitation to the 5th year edition of SONICA organized by the Museum of Transitory Art, I brought my SLEM4beta and some bags full of bricks. During my five days stay, I checked out the best locations, from the castle to Metelkova, a famous artist squat.





First, I went up the belltower, to get an overview over the valley where St. George is said to have slayed the dragon. This is yet to be proven, but I can confirm that Ljubljana is a lively and thrilling city, not only seen from above. I left a couple of traces in the tower and headed back down to the streets.



Metelkova, an ancient police-station is a kind of hot-spot for the independent slovenian art-scene. At night you will find it is the place for partying. At daytime, you see people going along their daily business, with artist-studios and flats.