Linz, Austria



When I heard that the RepairCrew of Platform21, including Arne Hendriks, Lotte Dekker, Heleen Klopper, Martijn Dijkhuizen and me, were invited to the 2010 edition of the Ars Electronica festival in Linz, I was more than happy, as I am interested in discovering the latest technologies in Art and Science. The Ars Electronica festival is one of the oldest and biggest festivals for new media Art.



This years edition was all about Repair. So we were called up by the Directors to take care of the analog repairing in their premises. I moved my plastic construction pieces to Austria, to fix up the few cracks I found inside the festivals location, an old Tobacco-factory. The building has a size of more than 30000 sqm and was constructed by Popp and Behrens in 1935. It is protected as world heritage. It is in very good shape, considering its age and its gigantic size, so we moved into the city in little groups. Later, I also took a nice walk alone!



Check out the digital Elements I included in the major inside patch!
